For good or for bad, thanks to technology leaders like Steve Jobs we have a high number of the global population always checking their phones day and night. Apps have become part of people’s lives regardless of age, gender, race or religion. You can find an app for almost everything (and really everything!), even for things you are probably thinking of right now… “there is an app for that”). But, what about businesses? Is it possible to have mobile apps for your business that are focused to help you to either grow or work better? For me, the answer is clear: why not?
It doesn’t matter what your business does, there is a great chance that an app can be developed for your business and that mobile app, if properly used, can get you to the next level. It could simply help you out by saving time and making your life and business easier.
Don’t think that an app as just simply something you have to sell or market. An app could be something that helps your team internally: for example, let’s say you have a business that depends on vendors selling or offering services to client. Right now, your vendors are probably doing a decent job selling your items, and they are meeting their quotas. What if you could get your vendors to be more efficient, visit more clients than before or offer better promotions to get more upsells? This can be done via an app which can reduce call backs to sales managers, does better route planning, streamline promotions and more. Another example: inventory tracking, have you ever had a business where your vendors have too much or too little or the wrong inventory in their vehicles? If they have better and automated route management and inventory tracking on their app, these problems can go away. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I haven’t even started on predictive behavior where apps can intelligently project necessary inventory based on customer behavior. All of this is possible using apps and technology. Can you see where am I going with this?
Information is power, and if you can have that information in the palm of your hand (or in your smartphone) every time you need to and whenever you want it, then you clearly have an advantage. You don’t have to wait to get to the office or depend on a computer or worse yet scavenge through your emails to get information fast. You can get this information with the right tool: an app.
We have helped several clients to gain control of their information and grow their businesses through mobile apps. We have helped them design and architect their solutions and deploy them to their users. Do you have a business app idea? Do you have a process flow problem or inefficiencies that you want to solve? Don’t hesitate to call us and tell us about your business, even if you don’t know what kind of app you could use. We may have and idea for you and we can discuss it with no commitment or obligation to us! Contact Us Today.